Starting Today
We turn it all Around.

We offer key people in Tech and IT Exceptional Support.

Not feeling the Success ?



Please read this

You may need some psychotherapy, maybe a lot? 


From the outside you appear quite a success. But close up it’s not so easy.

For most of your life, though under a lot of pressure things just worked…until.  

Recently the coping mechanisms and personality you smushed together in your childhood (and have been patching ever since), are showing clear signs of coming apart, you know it, and it shows.

We are taking about your mental heath, an odd term for how happy you feel and how well you function. 

Here at Bespoke Therapy, we specialise in quickly and without “downtime” fixing key people like you who are central to the success of important projects, especially in Tech and IT

We have a lot of very relevant experience and we know we can configure an effective reset for you (and probably a lot more). 

Your well-being will be treated like a can’t-fail project. At this level things “cost” (reassuringly?) more, but a lot less than the alternative – your whole life and everything you have built turning to…


We will assemble a bespoke team of the absolute highest level who will jump to it and help you get past this, starting as soon as today…

 The next step depends on you. 


Begin with a consultation.

Book today

Winning Therapy Tailored to You.

Bespoke Therapy is about you

Start by having an individual consultation to determine some fundamentals, suitabilities and targets. 

bespoke course will be crafted to your unique needs to help you reset. 

Not a formula or a doctrine

Bespoke Therapy works for you.

How Does it Work?

No Magic, it’s the best people, a pool of experience and hard work: Give yourself some time, want it to succeed, and we do the rest.

Common Wakeup Calls


No matter how much a past hero, your current earning potential is just a function of your enthusiasm for new challenges.

Groundhog Day...

What part of you matters most? Your mind. But you would spend 5x our fees fixing your teeth,
Invest in yourself for you...

No time for yourself.

We help you identify the things and personalities that try to hold you back and keep you down. Stop being everyone's everything.

build up

Getting back to work in the right way will help you. Earn back our fees in a month. Future you is screaming at you to do this.

Infinite AFK?

We help you the find the real confidence you once had and bring it into your life & work as a superpower, not as a walking reputation to constantly exceed.

  1. Burnout: Persistent exhaustion, cynicism, and reduced professional efficacy

  2. Anxiety: Excessive worrying, restlessness

  3. Depression: Persistent low mood, loss of interest in activities, and feelings of hopelessness.

  4. Insomnia: Difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up too early.

  5. Social withdrawal: Avoiding social interactions and isolating oneself from colleagues or friends.

  6. Imposter syndrome: Chronic feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy, despite accomplishments and skills.

  7. Substance abuse: Misuse of alcohol, drugs, or prescription medications. Games addiction can also fall under this heading

  8. Panic attacks: Sudden episodes of intense fear or discomfort, accompanied by physical symptoms like shortness of breath, palpitations, and dizziness.

  9. Difficulty concentrating: Struggling to focus, make decisions, or remember information.

  10. Emotional outbursts: Frequent, uncontrolled emotional reactions, such as anger or frustration.

Bespoke Therapy

Feedback given post course completion. Anonymity is a top priority

"My therapy team are the best. I quit during covid and just did not want to work anymore, maybe ever. Now I feel I am brand new, and my only regret is I did not find them and do this 5 years ago... the best money I have ever spent"
30 day program
"I found my work issues all stemmed from a single day when I was 15 years old, I went back there, and we pushed a whole lot of stuff out of my head forever, just amazing that you can unknowingly carry stuff so deep, work it out and be so changed."
Multiple founder
30 day program
"I have superpowers now; this is next level. I got so much out of this. I am getting much more respect. "
Production lead
new role after 9 weeks
"The single best thing I have done with my own time in years, the change in me is so profound, it was hard work at times, but now I just feel good about myself and life!"
Head of strategy
30 day program
"Eleanor was one of the most insightful people I have ever met; she took me out of a grey life going nowhere and into the warm sunshine. I had quite a lot of therapy while in NYC but it never "worked" or at least got me anywhere, not like this. I have a new role, a new life, new loves and a new outlook. For me, this is truly incredible."
Senior Project Manager
4 months
"My whole life is back on track, after 2 years drifting... actually it is about twenty times better. Everyone wants to know what happened to me, how I got effective overnight."
Senior AI consultant
30 day program

Articles + Papers

We are writing material to try and document the emerging epidemic of demotivation, burnout, and resignations we find in many of our clients, often previously highest-performing and successful individuals, willingly self-unemployed, often lost and drifting.

PRIVATE One to One Sessions online

Two months from today you can be a better, stronger and more confident you. Working and enjoying life again

3 Ways Forward

Fix me up so I can Work Happily

30 days that will change your life and career—A fully bespoke experience. Everyone who has taken this course considers this the best investment they have made

Burnout to Breakthrough

You have taken your whole life to get to this place; now things have stacked up, and it will take some time to unpack that. Our famous + popular course: Ten deep sessions a month for three months.

1 Year deep dive
unlimited sessions

Time for a journey into the scary. 1 year and together we will get to every aspect of your personality—a revolution for you: be who you can to be. Commit and we will hold you steady.

Just do it.